Call or Text 0483 952 700 For Bundles of Info

How Does It Work?

Like A Virtual Receptionist

Our services and systems are powered by software and uses A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to the advantage of your local business.

But you don't need to learn the software or the systems.

We'll guide you or we can do things for you - and bring much of this into one centralised place.

For many local businesses, especially those using a number of services, it is like having a Virtual Receptionist.

Missed calls are answered - but not by you.

Visitors to your website ask questions that are answered - but not by you.

Google reviews are requested for your business - but not by you.

Appointments are booked for your business, and booked on your business calendar - but these appointments aren't booked by you.

All of these services are done by your A.I. Receptionist, for you.

You don't even have to manage your Google Business Profile, that helps your local business get found online - we can help here, too.

Don't Know Where to start with A.I.?

Artificial Intelligence or A.I. can help you in your local business, in many ways, starting today.

You don't need to be a techie or have a computing degree.

Our systems and services are designed to be simple to implement (especially as we'll do most of the implementing)

Our bundles are extremely affordable - It's a monthly fee, with no lock-in contracts. You can stop at any time*.

In fact, these services are there to make your business money.

The best place to start is to contact us your preferred way.

You can call us on 0429 268 322.

Chances are that will go directly to message - and you'll experience our Missed Call Text Back service as a customer.

Or you can text us on the same number 0429 268 322 and you will definitely experience our Missed Call Text Back service for yourself.

Or email

Whichever way you choose - get started.

Contact us to see for yourself how these services work.

These A.I. assisted services are designed to scale, designed to grow with you as your business grows.

Call or Text 0429 268 322

See All Your Messages, Emails and Calls in the One Place with your Universal Inbox

Incoming calls, texts, emails, Facebook messages, Insta messages, Google Business Profile chat, Webchat messages - all in the one place.

We call it Integrations - Or your Universal Inbox.

How awesome is that?

Let us show how it's possible and how affordable it is.

Professionally Designed Services

Helping your local business is the reason our business exists.

Over a quick call, we can discuss where you need help first.

You might need more reviews.

You might want to be found easier on Google.

Your Google Business Profile may need updating.

Or you may need to create one...

Over a 20 to 30 minute call, we can discuss your business and what your business needs - that's where we'd start!

Your Virtual Receptionist.

If you're a one-person local business, or you have a few staff.

But you can definitely have your own virtual receptionist.

And we do almost all of the set-up - you do almost nothing.

Contact Local Business Profits to find out how your business can put A.I. to work for you - automating systems.

Then manage all of this from one centre.

Call or Text 0429 268 322

Using any one service will help your local business.

Using a Bundle of our services will Change your business.

It could even change your life.


Save Time

No more missed calls after hours or weekends. But you're not answering these calls.

No more wondering what people think when they come to your website - your webchat widget allows your visitors to ask any questions they may have.


Grow Your Business

Grow your business but not your workload.

It really is like having extra people in your business without having any extra staff!

These services scale - as your business grows, we will grow with you.


Build Relationships

Everybody prefers to do business with people they know, like and trust.

Our systems are designed to separate you from the ordinary businesses, to make your business enjoyable to work with and people trust you.


Get Google Reviews

Most people search on Google.

Google loves 5-Star Google Reviews.

We have an A.I. service to help your business

Help your business get more 5-Star reviews.

Then Google help your business get found online.


Stand Out

When was the last time any business you did business with stayed in contact with you by SMS?

Your A.I. assisted Virtual Receptionist will make sure your business stays in contact with your customers - even while you sleep!


Build without Burnout

Because our systems scale, no matter how big you get, we can help - without doubling staff!

Get more booked appointments while you sleep.

Has any local business ever been able to do that? You can now.

Find Out How, Find Out Now

The reality is, regardless of which trade, service or profession you're in - A.I. is going to change how you do business.

You could choose to wait - but know this - many of your competitors will not wait to find out - some will already be using A.I. and A.I. assisted tools and services.

Find out how to never miss another call.

Find out to put A.I. to work for you, for way less than you think.

Your Membership Starts at $97 per month - No Lock-In Contracts

You can speak with us, ask all the questions you want, all 100% no obligation.

You can try one of our services or all of our services,

and if after a month you're not convinced - just let us know.

Spring Special - 2023

Introductory Offer

No Lock-In Agreement

Try Any One Service For Your Own Business

for $97 per month

Missed Call Text Back, Reviews Reactivation, Webchat Widget or Update your Google Business Profile page.

Maybe you just want to try your Universal Inbox?

You choose which Virtual Receptionist to try first.

If for any reason you choose not to continue,

Simply let us know at the end of your month.

97 /mo. - Introductory Trial

Usually $197/mo. per service

Local Business Profits

Virtual Receptionist Package

No Lock-In Agreement

Includes Missed Call Text Back, Reviews, Webchat Widget,

Google Business Profile, Universal Inbox and more

You do (Almost) nothing, as we help you set this up.

If for any reason you choose not to continue,

Simply let us know at the end of your month.

397 /mo.

Individually, $788 Value


Do I have to be a techie? Do I need to learn new software?


No, you do not need to be a techie or have a technology background.

And, No!, you do not need to learn new software.

The idea is you do what you are great at - your trade, your service, your profession - and we focus on the A.I. assisted and automated systems for you.

This all sounds amazing...Is this expensive?

NO! Absolutely not. We keep your investment low because we want to see you get a great return, every month.

For many businesses, like plumbers or pressure cleaners or hair salon owners or physiotherapists just getting one or two more clients in a month, clients you might otherwise have missed, that's all it takes to cover your investment this A.I. assisted, automated service.

It's a monthly agreement - you pay monthly, as you go.

And there are no lock-in contracts.

Try this for a month or two - if you don't think it's working for you can opt out at any stage.

Can a Local Tradie Really Have Their Own Virtual Receptionist?

Just 12 months ago this would have seemed impossible - but Tradie Business Owners are catching on fast.

Automating many of these functions of business means you can concentrate on doing your thing.
Many local businesses operating out of an office or retail environment know answering incoming calls can be challenging - or Impossible!

Local Business Profits understands this.

You're up a ladder or on a roof when the phone rings.
You're operating machinery and the phone rings.

You're in the middle of finishing a complex task - and you receive, from a potential client, an incoming text message!

An A.I. Assisted Virtual Receptionist can handle all of, communicate almost immediately with incoming calls and text.

Can I Really Stay in Touch With my Clients, Even Book Appointments While I Sleep?

How amazing does that sound?

Wake up in the morning and there's more booked appointments in your calendar!

It's not only possible, the A.I. assisted, automated tools are designed to do just that - for your local business.

Book appointments, text clients, get reviews, text back immediately to any missed calls, chat with visitors to your website 24/7/365 (& a quarter).

Can I get help setting up my Google Business Profile?

More and more local businesses are beginning to understand the value of a great Google Business Profile. Getting your website ranked higher on Google can be very complex - that's why there are people who specialise 100% on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

A great Google Business Profile can help your own business get found on Google, rank higher on Google - it's also a great way to engage with potential clients, to build trust and give your clients another way of contacting you. And this works 24/7/365 (& a quarter).

Why use the Missed Call Text Back system?

Every business misses incoming calls. And every business knows these missed calls can cost their business a lot! When clients call a local business and their call isn't answered they are more likely now than ever to simply call the next similar business.

Even if you have an answering service, fewer potential clients are leaving messages.

But text messaging is more popular than ever before.

People seem to prefer to text than talk.

Our Missed Call Text Back feature is designed to tackle all three things - the missed call, the reluctance to leave a voice message and preference to text rather than talk.

And it's A.I.-assisted and automated - and awesome!

Can we contact past clients for Google Reviews?

Many local businesses aren't aware of the importance of 5-star Google reviews. That means many local business owners do not make it part of their own practice to Ask For 5-Star Google Reviews. So, yes you can ask past clients - preferably recent past clients - if they will provide a Google review. Local Business Profits can help here - with our automated system - you have enough to do, already.

Can I really do 'almost nothing' and still get booked appointments?

Yes! All you need is an existing client list (data base) with mobile numbers. You supply the database and your availability, and we'll set up the campaign to fill your booked appointment calendar for your local business.

In almost every case, with this A.I.-assisted, automated system you or your staff won't need to speak with your clients until they turn up for their appointment.

Importantly, we're not talking about leads for your business - we're talking about booked appointments.


About us


Get In Touch

M: 0483 952 700

© Copyright 2023. Local Business Profits. All rights reserved.